About your access code

Your access code is:

 - your ID card number consists of the letter "m + 6 numbers" or "8 digits" (eg m123456 or 12345678)
  - or your Transport Facility code consisting of the letter "m + 6 numbers" or "8 digits" (eg m123456 or 12345678)
 - or a generic access code of 4 alphabetic characters (eg ABCD) 

If you do not know your ID card number or your transportation facility code, thank you to contact your Management Service. If you do not know your generic access code, thank you to contact the Interline service of your company. 

To verify that you access the latest version of the application, you must empty the cache of your Internet browser (operation to be renewed regularly). 

Then you close your browser and connect you again to GPNet.